“Honour the space in between no longer and not yet.” – Nancy Levin
The Pause.
The Space in between.
The excruciating place of being pulled back, and being pulled forward.
The turbulence of not knowing, of change, of swirling, falling, hoping, fearing, releasing, trusting, landing.
In this Livestream, on Wednesday 12th of May at 7p.m (UK), we will be exploring the ‘space in between’ when we have chosen change, or change has chosen us. The space where the seed of new life has been planted, but is still lying dormant in the ‘dark place’. We know we can’t go back, but it is not yet time for us
to move forward.
The ‘space in between’ can be a very difficult, fragile and lonely place, but just maybe there’s a way to relax, enjoy and even embrace the ‘space in between’.
Come and find out how…
The talk is given by Helen Tanner Creative Psychotherapist- specialising in Forgiveness. @helentanner.com.
This and other free talks can be accessed by joining the FB group: Forgiveness for Women & Men of Heart. www.facebook.com/groups/ForgivenessHeart
(please answer the membership questions for access).
Blessings and Peace ?