Your Pathway to Peace
A Three Step Programme for Self-Compassion and Forgiveness

Are you feeling anxious, disconnected, and noticing yourself being critical, self-doubting and judgmental?
Perhaps you’re in pain from the tension of having to defend yourself, whilst bearing the weight of your self-protective armour?
You’re probably noticing repeated painful patterns in your life, and experiencing the frustration of feeling stuck?
If you’re ready to lay your burdens down, and make the journey home to wholeness, flow, lightness and ease, it’s time to begin your three step journey of Self-Compassion and Forgiveness.
Step One is your journey to Freedom.
Step Two is your journey to Peace.
Step Three is your journey to Love.
As you gently shed the skin of your ‘old’ self, and you transform and release the feelings, thoughts, and behaviours which are no longer serving you, what emerges is a deep sense of relaxation, connection, trust, joy, and inspiration.
Your Soul is calling you home to a fuller, more authentic and beautiful life..will you heed the call?
Step by step guidance · Teachings · Coaching · Meditations · Handouts · Exercises to complete · Guided visualisations · Creative activities · Email support between sessions
Step One
On your journey to Freedom, you will be guided through a process of releasing what no longer serves you, and is adding to your suffering. You will be supported to:
✔️ Release blame and judgments of yourself and others.
✔️ Release your shameful limiting core beliefs. e.g ‘there is something wrong with me’
✔️ Release obsessive and anxious thinking about the past.
✔️ Release your anger and rage.
✔️ Release the guilt which is weighing you down.
You are guided over fourteen one-to-one sessions to weave self-compassion into your life, and together we will create a ceremony of ‘release’ for you, to let go once and forever what has been holding you back.
How it works + pricing
Your journey to Freedom will take around 6 months to complete.
Sessions 1-6 are 75 minute sessions on Zoom or can be face to face in Redruth, Cornwall. (in line with Government Covid-19 guidelines).
Sessions 7&8 combine for a Releasing Ceremony which takes place, (usually) out in an ancient natural setting, and lasts 4-5 hours.
Sessions 9-14 are 75 minute sessions on Zoom or face to face.
The following prices are for the programme delivered one-to-one. Small group programmes are sometimes available. Please ask Helen for start dates.
One upfront payment of £1495 or 6 monthly payments of £265

Step Two
On your journey to Peace, you will be guided through a process of embracing what will serve and strengthen you moving forwards in your life. You will be supported to:
✔️ Embrace your connection to Spirit and the Divine.
✔️ Embrace the wisdom of your intuition.
✔️ Embrace your authentic voice.
✔️ Embrace joy and grace into your daily life.
✔️ Embrace your connection to the earth and be warmed by the inner fire of your creative self.
You will be supported and guided over seven one-to-one sessions to weave joy and trust into your life, and find yourself rooted into a more empowered, aligned and connected version of yourself.
How it works + pricing
The following prices are for the programme delivered one-to-one. Small group programmes are sometimes available. Please ask Helen for start dates.
Sessions 1-7 are all 60 minute sessions on Zoom or can be face to face in Redruth, Cornwall. (in line with Government Covid-19 guidelines).
One upfront payment of £595 or 3 monthly payments of £215
Step Two
On your journey to Peace, you will be guided through a process of embracing what will serve and strengthen you moving forwards in your life. You will be supported to:
✔️ Embrace your connection to Spirit.
✔️ Embrace the wisdom of your intuition.
✔️ Embrace your values and align to your Soul.
✔️ Embrace joy and grace into your daily life.
✔️ Embrace your connection to the earth and your creative expressive self.
You will be supported and guided over seven one-to-one sessions to weave joy and trust into your life, and find yourself rooted into a more empowered, aligned and connected version of yourself.
How it works + pricing
Sessions 1-7 are all 60 minute sessions on Zoom or can be face to face in Redruth, Cornwall. (in line with Government Covid-19 guidelines).
One upfront payment of £595 or 3 monthly payments of £215

Step Three
On your journey to Love, you will choose an area of your life, which you would like to transform; perhaps it is a relationship, your health, or to be more engaged at a heart level in your work.
You will be coached to release the river of Love to flow through you out into the world. You will be supported to:
✔️ Learn to give and receive Love more freely and without fear.
✔️ Find the courage to be vulnerable.
✔️ Nurture your heart, and re-ignite the spark of inspiration.
✔️ Connect with others from a deep place of loving connection, tenderness & authenticity.
You will be coached over seven one-to-one sessions to weave Love into your life, live in an open hearted way, touching all that you meet, and truly creating a beautiful life.
How it works + pricing
The following prices are for the programme delivered one-to-one. Small group programmes are sometimes available. Please ask Helen for start dates.
Sessions 1-7 are all 60 minute sessions on Zoom or can be face to face in Redruth, Cornwall. (in line with Government Covid-19 guidelines).
One upfront payment of £595 or 3 monthly payments of £215

Book a free exploratory call
Book your free 50 minute call to explore how Forgiveness may assist you on your healing journey.
Choose the time slot which most suits you in the calendar below.
Please complete this questionnaire as fully as possible when booking.

My inspiration for the programme
On the banks of a river in the town of Gjakova, Kosovo, in 2003, I listened to stories of those who had survived a war. Their stories were deeply personal, and yet seemed to contain the stories of the survivors of war everywhere.
On that day, painfully aware of the violent destruction that we, the human family are capable of, I committed to finding a way to support people to find Peace. Forgiveness is the process, which I believe, we have been gifted to help us transform pain and suffering into Freedom, Peace and Love.
Having researched the Forgiveness process for 13 years, combined with the knowledge and experience gained from my 20 years of practice as a Creative Psychotherapist -this programme of Self Compassion and Forgiveness is my gift to you.
What my clients are saying about the programme
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Programme face to face or online?
The Self-Compassion and Forgiveness programme can be experienced online via Zoom, or face to face in Cornwall, England. Sessions are delivered in line with Government COVID-19 safety guidelines.
Is this a religious programme?
No, this is a secular programme. However, it does have a spiritual flavour to it.
The Self-Compassion and Forgiveness Programme is open and relevant to all – people of faith or none.
The underlying assumption of the programme is that Forgiveness is a healing process, which is accessible to all – regardless of belief.
What is Forgiveness?
Forgiveness is the eventual release of feelings of judgements, blame, resentment, rage, and desire for revenge towards someone who has harmed you, or against yourself, for your own freedom, wellbeing, and peace.
Forgiveness is a personal choice.
Forgiveness is a personal process.
Forgiveness is not forgetting, condoning or excusing behaviours.
Forgiveness does not mean that you have to reconcile.
Forgiveness should not be used as an excuse to stay in an abusive situation.
Forgiveness should not be used a means of self-harming.
How do I join the Programme?
To make sure the programme is right for you, all potential participants are invited to book a complimentary 50 minute phonecall with Helen, where she will assess your needs and what service may be best for you at this time.
What benefits will I get from joining this programme?
The overall purpose of the Self-Compassion and Forgiveness programme is to free you from feeling stuck in the past, your suffering, and feeling bound to the situation and person that you feel you have hurt through your actions / inactions.
Self – Compassion & Forgiveness feels:
1. Liberating: Feels like a burden has been lifted, and that you have been released from the cord that has bound you to the past, suffering, and those whom you have hurt and been hurt by.
2. Connected: Feel connected to your divine nature, intuition, your vision, your joy, and your loving heart once more. Feel a stronger connection to your Soul and have greater clarity on your future direction.
3. Empowered: Transcend feeling like a victim to feeling like a victor in your life, reclaiming your power, your voice, your truth, and your boundaries for healthier future relationships.
Learning how to forgive has also, according to research, been linked to the following:
• Improved cardiovascular functioning
• Improved lung function
• Improved functioning of nervous system
• Improved functioning of immune system
• Lower blood pressure
• Lower heart rate
• Less muscle tension
Is the programme available in a group and one to one?
The Self- Compassion and Forgiveness Programme is available in a group or on a one to one basis, depending on what you feel you would most benefit from.
Is the Programme suitable for me?
The best way to work this out, is to book in a 50-minute call with Helen to make sure the programme is right for you at this time, so don’t worry if you are not completely sure. if you are interested, go ahead and apply and book in a call with Helen and you can work it out together.
Is this the only Forgiveness service you offer?
The Self-Compassion and Forgiveness Programme is my core service. The whole programme, has 3 steps, Freedom, Peace, and Love, and each of these steps, comprises of 7 sessions. (21 sessions in total) You can sign up for step one only, step one and two, or steps one, two and three.
There are some other shorter options available, which will get you started on your Self-compasison and Forgiveness journey, or help you with an area where you are particularly stuck.
There are also Forgiveness talks and workshops available. Please see Events.
The place to start is with a 50 minute free call with Helen to discuss your needs, and where you currently are in your journey and which service best suits you.