Your Journey to Freedom
A guided self-compassion programme

Are you feeling anxious, disconnected, and noticing yourself being critical, self-doubting, and judgmental?
You’re probably noticing repeated painful patterns in your life, and experiencing the frustration of feeling stuck?
If you’re ready to lay your burdens down, and make the journey home to wholeness, flow, lightness, and ease, it’s time to step upon the path of self-compassion beginning with your Journey to Freedom.
Step One is embracing the unloved parts with the loving light of self-compassion.
Step Two is a ‘Releasing Ceremony’
Step Three is connecting with the Divine.
As you gently shed the skin of your ‘old’ self, and you transform and release the feelings, thoughts, and behaviours which are no longer serving you, what emerges is a deep sense of relaxation, connection, trust, joy, and inspiration.
Step by step guidance · Ceremony · Meditations · Handouts · Guided visualisations · Creative activities · Email support between sessions
Step One
Embracing Self-Compassion
Many of us are operating from an ego -based operating system. When we do this, we are engaging with the world according to ‘rules of success and belonging’ as dictated by the outer world. This can lead to a sense of having to compete to get our needs met, comparing our self to others, feelings of fear and anxiety and an overall sense of not being good enough.
On the first step of your journey to Freedom, you will be guided to:
✔️ See clearly how the ego is operating in your daily life, and how you have hidden your authentic self behind a mask and armour of self-protection
✔️ Recognise how repeated themes are playing out in your life, including those passed down as family and ancestral patterns.
✔️ Release blame, judgment, comparison, anxiety thinking, victimhood, and shameful core beliefs e.g ‘there is something wrong with me’
by embracing self-compassion into your life.

Step Two
Releasing Ceremony
To mark the letting go of the things which you no longer wish to carry forward in your life, we will create a ‘Releasing Ceremony ‘ for you.
This is a sacred opportunity for ‘deep release’ upon a beautiful and ancient landscape.
We prepare for the whole day ceremony together, and personalise every aspect to make it special and meaningful for you.
Step Two
Releasing Ceremony
To mark the letting go of the things which you no longer wish to carry forward in your life, we will create a ‘Releasing Ceremony ‘ for you.
This is a sacred opportunity for ‘deep release’ upon a beautiful and ancient landscape.
We prepare for the whole day ceremony together, and personalise every aspect to make it special and meaningful for you.

Step Three
Connecting with the Divine
As you release what is blocking the flow of love and connection in it’s many forms in your life, you come home to the truth that you are a spiritual being having a human experience, and that you have an in-built connection to the Divine, and a powerful internal guidance system.
At this stage of your journey to freedom, you will be learning more about how to connect, and receive guidance from the divine within you, to live a more aligned, authentic and peaceful life.
How the programme works + pricing
Your journey to Freedom will take around 6 months to complete. You will receive:
– Twelve carefully crafted guided sessions of 75-90 minutes on Zoom or face to face in Redruth, Cornwall. (in line with Government Covid-19 guidelines).
– A one-day Releasing Ceremony which takes place out on an ancient land.
– Handouts, recordings, worksheets, and also have Email access to Helen in between sessions for additional support.
Your personal investment is one of time, willingness, and financial offering which is 7 monthly payments of £225 (£1575) or one upfront payment of £1525 (saving of £50).

My inspiration for the programme
On the banks of a river in the town of Gjakova, Kosovo, in 2003, as a newly qualified Psychotherapist, I listened to stories of those who had survived a war.
On that day, painfully aware of the violent destruction that we, the human family are capable of, I committed to finding a way to support people to find Peace. Self-Compassion & Forgiveness is the process, which I believe, we have been gifted to help us transform pain and suffering into Freedom, Peace, Love, and Purpose.
Having researched the Compassion & Forgiveness process for 13 years, combined with the knowledge and experience gained from my 20 years of practice as a Creative Psychotherapist -this programme is my gift to you.
What my clients are saying about the programme
Frequently Asked Questions
Is the Programme face to face or online?
The Journey to Freedom programme can be experienced online via Zoom, or face to face in Redruth, Cornwall, England.
Is this a religious programme?
No, this is a secular programme. However, it does have a spiritual flavour to it.
The Self-Compassion and Forgiveness Programme is open and relevant to all – people of faith or none.
The underlying assumption of the programme is that Forgiveness is a healing process, which is accessible to all – regardless of belief.
How do I join the Programme?
To make sure the programme is right for you, all potential participants are invited to book a complimentary 25 minute phonecall with Helen, where she will assess your needs and what service may be best for you at this time.
To book your free no -obligation call please contact Helen on 07768968189
What benefits will I get from joining this programme?
The overall purpose of the Self-Compassion and Forgiveness programme is to free you from feeling stuck in the past, your suffering, and feeling bound to the situation and person that you feel you have hurt through your actions / inactions.
Self – Compassion & Forgiveness feels:
1. Liberating: Feels like a burden has been lifted, and that you have been released from the cord that has bound you to the past, suffering, and those whom you have hurt and been hurt by.
2. Connected: Feel connected to your divine nature, intuition, your vision, your joy, and your loving heart once more. Feel a stronger connection to your Soul and have greater clarity on your future direction.
3. Empowered: Transcend feeling like a victim to feeling like a victor in your life, reclaiming your power, your voice, your truth, and your boundaries for healthier future relationships.
Learning how to forgive has also, according to research, been linked to the following:
• Improved cardiovascular functioning
• Improved lung function
• Improved functioning of nervous system
• Improved functioning of immune system
• Lower blood pressure
• Lower heart rate
• Less muscle tension
Is the programme available in a group and one to one?
The Journey to Freedom Programme is currently available on a one-to-one basis only.
Is the Programme suitable for me?
The best way to work this out, is to book in a no-obligation free 25-minute call with Helen to make sure the Journey to Freedom programme is right for you at this time.
Chat with Helen
If you’re not sure if this is the right programme for you please feel free to give me a call on 07768968189 for a no-obligation chat.