+44(0)7768968189 helen@helentanner.com

Forgiveness, Anger & Turtle Wisdom Livestream

“Finding yourself is actually returning to yourself, an unlearning, an excavation, a remembering who you were before the world got its hands on you..” – Emily McDowell One of the great gifts of journeying inwards with Forgiveness is the shift to...

Forgiveness, Judgement & Discernment Livestream

“The practice of discernment is part of higher consciousness. Discernment is not just a step up from judgement…it is the opposite of judgement. The judgment reveals what still needs to be released and learned. Through discernment, what has already been...

Mid-Life Awakening & Forgiveness Livestream

“At midlife, the part of ourselves that we have known, the caterpillar, is disintegrating..The emergence of the butterfly requires, absolutely demands, the sacrifice of the caterpillar..The word sacrifice..means the forfeiting of something of importance in the...