+44(0)7768968189 helen@helentanner.com

I will be offering a new workshop on Saturday 29th of October 2022 for women who wish to learn to let go, explore and practice the ancient art of forgiveness.

‘The Forgiveness Workshop was a profound, powerful, inspiring, healing and soothing day for me, thank you again. I won’t forget this work, and am so grateful to have been introduced to you and it.’ Karen

As we pass through this autumn time of year, we are surrounded by the trees who are gracefully releasing their leaves in anticipation for their spring rebirth, preserving their energy, and revealing their bare, magnificent, rooted selves.

As a woman of heart, perhaps you are feeling:

  • a desire to release some of the weight from your past which you are carrying inside to free you up for a beauty-full and light-filled future.
  • an increased sense of overwhelm and anxiety, with repeated themes and patterns that don’t seem to be shifting on their own.
  • a yearning to feel lighter and more peaceful within.

If the inner wise voice within is whispering to you ‘it’s time to let go’, then this workshop is the safe place to make your journey inwards and begin the releasing process through the ancient practice of forgiveness.

Forgiveness has the ability to bring healing where there is hurt, set you free from past wrongs, and take away the heavy burden of resentment, shame, guilt, and rage.

On our day together we will:

  • Explore what forgiveness is and isn’t, its purpose, the best conditions for it to be most effective, and when forgiveness is unlikely to be the best medicine in a situation.
  • What the forgiveness journey entails and why a spiritual perspective is so helpful.
  • Learn and practice a forgiveness tool which you will be able to apply in your own life.

The main focus of the day will be on how to forgive others and situations from the past, but we will also touch upon the journey of forgiving ourselves, and the practices can be used for both.

Woman of heart you are welcome to come and join us, and we look forward to welcoming you.

What other women of heart have said about these days:

“Amazing, safe space, well structured and insightful. Wonderful, powerful work. Thank You!’ Becky W “The exercises were helpful for getting out of my head and into the body and intuitive wisdom.Good value for a very valuable day.” Julia “A wonderful, inspiring and supportive day.” Julia C ” Helen creates a safe space that is thought -provoking and interesting. Julia K

About the facilitator:

Helen  is a facilitator of transformational life journeys towards freedom, healing and a deep connection to the divine and the sacred. She works from a passion for living in peace with ourselves, eachother and the planet. She is a Creative Psychotherapist, Healer and Forgiveness Guide.

Further Information & Tickets can be found here.

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