Today is the autumn equinox, a time of equal day and night, and an opportunity to reflect on what needs to be balanced in our life.
I find the equinoxes a particularly potent and intense time energetically.
At the end of last week, I was experiencing the building energy as overwhelm.
I knew I was going out of balance because my sleeping was disrupted, I was feeling irritable and reactionary towards others, and the biggest indicator of all-I couldn’t find my calm place within.
What I Know about me is that there is a solution so simple to bring me back to balance. And within 72 hours, I went from feeling stressed and completely out of whack back to calm, back to a sense of grounded, loving, connected peace.
The magic ingredients.
1. Writing it all down. I wrote down everything on my mind, like a stream of consciousness, and placed it on my altar space. I let it all go, just for a while, to allow me to focus on replenishing my resources.
2. I cleared some time over the weekend and turned off the laptop, and phone, and spontaneously booked myself three nights at a natural, off-grid retreat, with no electric or running water, which consisted of a solitary wooden cabin, in the woods, overlooking a natural lake.
3. For the first day, I focussed on simple tasks like collecting water, sweeping leaves off the terrace, making dinner on the gas stove, collecting firewood, making a fire.
4. By day two I noticed. I noticed the birds, and took time to watch them, and was gifted the sight of Kingfisher, woodpecker, crow, buzzard, pheasant, jay, and many others I couldn’t even name. I slowed down, and began to listen, listen to the wind in the trees, felt the warmth of the sun on my skin, noticed the shadows changing as the sun moved on its course. I went to sleep early and noticed the moon, and the owl, and the silence of the still night.
5. By day three I began walking, along the coast path, noticing fellow humans and creatures enjoying the scenery and sunshine. I noticed the beauty of the autumn light, and occasionally stopped and breathed it all in. I finally could remember how blessed I am, and how grateful for the moments. I remembered to say thank you.
6. I meditated with two others. A poem of John Donahue was read ‘For Courage’, and a tear rolled down my cheek as to the beauty and the resonances of his observations and words. I sensed the calm returning within and noticed the voice of Great Spirit talking with me again. Connection returned.
7. The final day, I awoke with clarity as to how to resolve the challenges which had weighed so heavy on my heart and mind only 72 hours earlier. I noted down the insights, and I walked the labyrinth of stone. I affirmed my oneness with all life and gave thanks to this magical place, to this natural oasis for her healing balm. And I returned back into the world, replenished and restored.
This is the time, the time of the equinox, where we are called to find balance. To honour the cycles of the passing year, and of our souls. to balance the going out in the world with the going into to re-connect to our heart, our soul, and the Spirit of life which is breathing us and gently guiding us always towards life, growth, creativity and joy.
Take a little time today to write, retreat, walk, meditate, listen, reach, simplify, notice, say thank you, and come back to your heart and body. The whole web of life is awaiting and celebrating your return.