‘Everytime I thought I was being rejected from something good, I was actually being re-directed to something better.’ Dr. Steve Maraboli.

When we look back over the journey of our life, it is perhaps easier to see how a rejection of something we wanted at the time, led us to something even better than we imagined.

But in the moment, when we experience rejection from a job, a relationship, a friendship, or opportunity, we can feel devastated, and a loss of confidence.

How can we get to a state of inner grace, where rejection becomes ‘feedback’ for us, without the need to unduly suffer, and close our heart in protection?

In this Livestream, on Wednesday 10th of March at 7p.m (UTC) we will be exploring how we can live increasingly from a state of grace, love and trust, embracing even rejection into our life.

The talk is given by Helen Tanner Creative Psychotherapist & Coach – specialising in Forgiveness. @
This and other free talks can be accessed by joining the FB group: www.facebook.com/groups/ForgivenessHeart. (please answer the membership questions for access).