+44(0)7768968189 helen@helentanner.com

?   You are warmly invited to this talk “Forgiveness Fundamentals’ which is offered live on Wednesday 5th of August at 7p.m (UK time). The livestream will take place in a private facebook group, to enable people to ask questions and make comments in a secure and private way. Do feel free to join the group if you feel you would benefit from some support at this time as well as being able to access tools and the live talks.facebook.com/groups/ForgivenessHeart 

This week we will be talking about ‘Forgiveness Fundamentals’ and answering the big questions: What is Forgiveness? When is the right time to forgive? Are some things un-forgivable? How do we forgive? Is forgiveness possible? How will i know if i have forgiven? How will forgiveness benefit me? What is the difference between forgiveness and reconciliation? Should I forgive without an apology? And more…Helen xx

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